HearCare Audiology & Hearing Centers

Hearing Blog

Noise is the antithesis of the best sounds ever

May 8, 2020

The best sounds ever relax us, entice us, evoke fond memories, and force smiles on our faces. They are the opposite of noise. Noise — according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — can cause bad things, like stress or anxiety or depression or high blood pressure. Especially if you are regularly exposed to it without hearing protection. Noise is something to avoid. Best sounds ever are something to seek out. So the no-brainer ...

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Even subtle hearing loss can alter the brain function of young adults

April 30, 2020

In 2018, assistant professor Yune Lee and his research team at Ohio State University monitored the brain activity of study participants 18 through 41 years of age as they listened to increasingly complex sentences. The team was hoping to measure if human brains work harder to comprehend more complex messages. What they unexpectedly discovered, instead, was that the young adults with subtle hearing loss (everyone’s hearing was tested before the monitoring took place) were ...

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Hearing loss increases the risk of accidental injuries

April 13, 2020

An analysis of data from the National Health Interview Survey found that, over an eight year period (2007 – 2015), people who reported that they had “a lot of trouble” hearing ended up being twice as likely to have an accidental injury — both at work and leisure — as people who reported no trouble hearing. While the study didn’t dig into what it was about hearing loss that led to these higher numbers, experts suspect the ...

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The inability to distinguish sounds is a form of hearing loss

March 19, 2020

The National Safety Council’s Safety + Health magazine recently published an article about ototoxicants, chemicals that can cause hearing loss and balance issues. In the article, warnings were shared from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) about which industries have higher exposure risks to these chemicals — and how the adverse effects of ototoxicants increases when “workers are exposed to elevated noise levels.” One type of hearing loss OSHA notes as “especially hazardous” is speech ...

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Five reasons why you should not ignore hearing loss

March 5, 2020

You can cope, you’ve decided. You’ll just turn the TV up a little louder. Ask people to speak up or repeat what they said. And really, the quiet can be kind of nice, right? “Why should I treat it,” you wonder? Should you treat or ignore your hearing loss? The decision to treat or ignore hearing loss should not be taken lightly. Why? Because hearing loss plays a significant role in many issues ...

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Five things you should know about tinnitus

February 12, 2020

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 50 million Americans experience tinnitus. That’s over 15 percent of the U.S. population, or nearly one in every six of us. So what is this condition that affects so many people — and what can tinnitus sufferers do about it? We cover the basics here. 1. What is tinnitus? Tinnitus is the medical term for the sensation of hearing sound in your ears when ...

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Wearing hearing aids can reduce the risk of cognitive decline

January 27, 2020

Research by Johns Hopkins and other institutions have linked cognitive decline and even dementia to hearing loss for a few reasons. One study found that older adults with hearing loss experience a 30-40 percent faster decline in cognitive abilities than peers with normal hearing. Research by Johns Hopkins and other institutions have linked cognitive decline and even dementia to hearing loss for a few reasons. One study found that older adults with hearing loss experience ...

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Hearing loss impacts memory and comprehension

January 20, 2020

Readers of the publication Trends in Neurosciences will already know today’s fact. For the other 99.9 percent of us, though, it is definitely interesting. According to a story in the June 2016 edition, research has confirmed that “even relatively mild levels of hearing loss” can lead to cascading negative effects on the brain. Those effects can impact perception, comprehension and memory. The thinking goes: the more effort it takes to listen and piece ...

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Happy hearing makes for happy holidays

December 27, 2019

Holidays are a time for being with family and friends and having fun! A few tips will help keep your hearing aids working well to make sure you get the most out of this holiday season! 1. Watch out for the cold! Hearing aids are basically little computers, so don’t leave them in the car overnight. If you do, give them time to warm up before using them. 2. Children and pets love hearing ...

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Is there a way I can help a loved one who has hearing loss?

December 20, 2019

We know that, left untreated, hearing loss can negatively affect our quality of life. Studies link untreated hearing loss to stress, depression, social isolation, and even dementia. Untreated hearing loss also increases the risk of falling, putting personal safety at risk. But the person with hearing loss isn’t the only person affected by it. Hearing loss impacts spouses, family members, and friends. Repeating things over and over during conversation can be exhausting and frustrating ...

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