HearCare Audiology & Hearing Centers

Hearing Blog

What are the differences in today's hearing aid styles?

July 13, 2018

There is a wide variety of hearing aid styles available in the market, especially in regards to their size and the way they're placed in or around your ear. When looking for hearing aids, all the information and options available can be overwhelming! To help, we’ve listed the most common styles of hearing aids available, along with some plusses and minuses. Please note, not all styles are right for every individual, so your ...

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What is a hearing aid dryer and why do I need one?

July 1, 2018

Q: What is a hearing aid dryer and do I need one? A: Following your hearing professionals' recommendations on the care and maintenance of your hearing aids is important and can reduce the number of repairs required during the life of your hearing aids. Storing your hearing aids in a safe, dry place overnight can help prevent hearing aid malfunction caused by moisture and debris. That is why many hearing professionals recommend storing your hearing ...

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Empowered with Halo 2: Lanie's Better Hearing Story

June 18, 2018

Hearing loss affects every aspect of a person’s life, and for Lanie Singer Browar, 58, hearing loss has played a role in her life since she was a child. The Kansas City native grew up with a moderate to severe loss and now has a profound hearing loss that also categorizes her as “legally deaf.” Lanie was fit with Halo 2 (iNOW) hearing aids in March 2016 and we caught up with her after ...

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What is ear infection hearing loss?

June 1, 2018

Hearing loss can be caused by a number of different factors including aging, injury, noise exposure, infection and heredity. Those factors affect the auditory nerve, causing a sensorineural hearing loss, the most common type of hearing loss. But did you know an ear infection can also cause hearing loss? Hearing loss caused by an ear infection is referred to as a conductive hearing loss. Infection in the middle ear can cause fluid to build up ...

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What to expect at your first hearing test and appointment

May 15, 2018

Are you thinking about making an appointment to get your hearing checked? (Good for you, by the way — being proactive about your hearing health will go a long way towards your overall health and quality of life.) If so, it can be helpful to know what to expect when you visit your local hearing healthcare provider. Procedures may vary from state to state, but we want to give you a general idea of what you ...

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What is Feedback in Hearing Aids?

May 3, 2018

Some of the negative stigma surrounding hearing aids and their use is based on the fact that hearing aids were once bulky items that would squeal or squeak in the wearer’s ears. This squeaking on whistling is known as feedback. Fortunately, today’s technology is much more appealing cosmetically and significantly more sophisticated in terms of managing feedback than prior generations of hearing devices. What is feedback? Acoustic feedback occurs when the amplified sound ...

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Hearing Loss - Facts vs. Fiction

April 13, 2018

Hearing and sight are arguably our two most important senses. Yet, if and when either starts to fail us (and both usually do as we age), we react to each quite differently. Look around at all the people with glasses, contacts, Lasik surgery or just cheaters, and it’s obvious that we have no problem or hesitation with treating vision issues. But when it comes to treating hearing loss, we don’t seem to be ...

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How to Use the "Car Memory" in TruLink

April 3, 2018

One of the most difficult hearing situations is when you’re in a car, whether you are driving or not. The loud roaring of highway traffic and rough concrete of the street below make for a noisy environment where speech can easily get drowned out. In NuEar’s Made for iPhone® hearing aids, we can program a Car Memory that helps improve speech understanding while driving. This memory helps to suppress road noise and focus ...

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Tinnitus (a.k.a. Ringing in the Ears) 101

March 27, 2018

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), over 50 million Americans experience tinnitus. That’s over 15 percent of the U.S. population. So what is this audiological and neurological condition that afflicts one in every six of us — and what can people who suffer from it do about it? We cover the basics here. What is tinnitus? Tinnitus is the medical term for the sensation of hearing sound in your ears ...

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What is high-frequency hearing loss?

March 6, 2018

Although hearing loss varies by degree and type, high-frequency (or high-pitch) hearing loss is one of the most common configurations of hearing loss. Hearing professionals define high-frequency hearing loss as hearing loss that occurs between 2000 Hertz (Hz) – 8000 Hertz. Decreased hearing acuity in the high-frequency range is often the first sign of hearing loss. Following your hearing test, your hearing professional will explain your test results using an audiogram. An audiogram is a graph ...

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